Stacy Puttick

I completed my Honours degree in Psychology through UKZN and my Post graduate degree in Education through UNISA. I am currently in my second year of study on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) through the University of Pretoria. I have had nine and a half years of teaching experience at a Special Needs School and am currently teaching an LSEN class at NEPP. I have always had very fond memories of New England Pre-Primary School, having attended this school between 1988 and 1990. New England has been a prominent feature in my life as my mother has been working here for many years. Our connection with this special school continued to grow as my eldest nephew has been through the classes, and his brother is currently at the school. Having found my passion in life for teaching children with special needs, I jumped at the opportunity to work at NEPP when they opened up a small LSEN class. I have come full circle, and it feels as though I have come home! (2016)


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